
Borja Lorenzo avatar image
Borja Lorenzo asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Picking in a combiner in specific order


I have a dout about how assing values 1,2,3 to itemType, in this post:
Problem with combiner taking items in specific order - FlexSim Community. Especifically @Brenton's King answer.

Where did he configure this itemType?

Could it be an issue about the version update ? Iam using 24.0.2 version. Currently I can this ussing labels.

I don't find how to set itemType without labels.

I'm a begginer so i ask apologice in advance if my questions are obvios

Thank you for your support.

FlexSim 24.1.0
itemtypecombinersorder byinsede
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered

itemType is a deprecated feature. It is supported for compatability reasons only, as far as I know. It acts as a sort of 'baked in' label. Just adjust the model to use labels instead.


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