
Maryam H2 avatar image
Maryam H2 asked Jeanette F commented

reward function

for a reward function in the RL tool, how i can set up the reward somehow so that it refers to a row in the Performance Measures table?

For example:

 Reward = (Quantity_i ) - (StayTime_i)

where Quantity_i shows the items in a queue for each item type i ( this has been set in the performance measure table) and StayTime_i is the stay time of item type i in a rack ( this also has been set in a performance measure table). The sign of StayTime_i is negative because i want it to penalize for the time it remains in the racks.

FlexSim 24.1.0
reward function
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

Performance measure values are flexscript nodes. You need to evaluate the node (passing in the stored reference if needed) to get the actual value.


treenode pfmValue = Model.find("/Tools/PerformanceMeasureTables/PerformanceMeasures>variables/performanceMeasures/1/Value");
Variant value = pfmValue.subnodes[1].evaluate(pfmValue.subnodes[2].value);

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