
Melencolia avatar image
Melencolia asked Melencolia commented

Queue Initialization Problem


This is a simple M/M/1 model. I'm going to collect data with experiments and I need to have a specific number of people in the queue at the start of each run, but at the moment I don't know how to adjust this via parameter (I know I can add an extra source and use arrivals schedule, but this only has a table and it doesn't seem to be able to change the number via parameter)

currently I have 2 parameters: Arrival_Time, Service_Time_Processor_1

I want to have a parameter `Q0` which indicates how many units already in queue at the start.

Please let me know how can I do it?

One Stage.fsm

FlexSim 24.1.0
parametersinitial queue
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5 |100000

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Melencolia commented

You can either use a Process Flow. In the Schedule Source there you can refer to the parameter as the quantity directly.

Or you set the quantity cell in the arrival schedule of the 3D source in the "On Set" code of the parameter.


This post seems to essentially be a duplicate of this one. So if this answers your question, please consider removing the other post.

one-stage-1.fsm (151.4 KiB)
· 1
5 |100000

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Melencolia avatar image Melencolia commented ·
Thank you! I really appreciate your help!
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