
Josué Islas avatar image
Josué Islas asked Mauricio Aranda answered

Flying merchandise and collision between operators

Nice day, I took the example and I did litle modification but once the pallet loaded with merchandise is left in the queue, the merchandise visually remains flying, how can I correct that? And another question, I am seeing that between the pickers and placers that cross each other, is there a way to simulate that there is no collision between operators?Picking ejemplo v1.fsmflying-merchandise.pngcollision-between-operators.png

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1 Answer

Mauricio Aranda avatar image
Mauricio Aranda answered

Hello, Josue.

I have revised your model and found some things.

For the "Flying" objects I found that you move the item "token.CurCase.Item" to the operator "Placer1". In this case that is the issue, if we change the destination to the pallet, you will no longer see these flying objects.

To avoid collisions there are many ways to solve this. The easiest way I find is to add control areas where needed with the max allocations equal to "1". What this will do is avoid allowing other members to enter if there is a member currently inside.

Hope this helps!

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