
Josué Islas avatar image
Josué Islas asked Jeanette F commented

Add an extra columns to my table

Is there a way to add an extra column to my table (which I'll call "TiempoInicial") where I put the arrival time of the first item and an extra column (I'll call it "Duracion") that it will help me to sustract ("Duracion" = "TiempoSalida" - "TiempoInicial")?Cross-Docking-Case1-Protable.pngcessflow v4.2.fsm

FlexSim 24.1.0
statistics collectortimetablescalculated tablecolumns
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1 Answer

Mauricio Aranda avatar image
Mauricio Aranda answered Jeanette F commented

Hello, Josue. I have reviewed your model and made some modifications to include additional columns on the dashboard table.

I will attach the updated model I worked on."

This version maintains clarity and corrects the minor grammar issues in your original text.

Statistic Collector-Substract

To clarify what changes were made, firstly, I added the additional columns TiempoInicial and Duracion. Here's the logic I applied:



Hope this helps!

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Josué Islas avatar image Josué Islas commented ·

Thank you very much @Mauricio Aranda! Regarding the values of the “InitialTime” column, what I require is to maintain the time value of the first merchandise (fixed value), can this be done?


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Jeanette F avatar image Jeanette F ♦♦ Josué Islas commented ·

Hello @Josué Islas,


The initial time is set by the highlighted event. What event should be dictating that time instead?

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Mauricio Aranda avatar image Mauricio Aranda commented ·

Hello, Josue.

To make sure I understood you correctly, you want to have the first time event for the first row as it is, and then all the following rows should have the same value, is that correct?

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Josué Islas avatar image Josué Islas Mauricio Aranda commented ·

That's right @Mauricio Aranda

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Jeanette F avatar image Jeanette F ♦♦ Josué Islas commented ·

Hello @Josué Islas,

I adjusted the column so that for the first row it records the time and all other rows report the same value. Is this what you were looking for?


Statistic Collector-Substract Values_1.fsm

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