
Ayman avatar image
Ayman asked Jeanette F commented

Set percentage of patients in function of label

I have a "Decide" box that is connected to two boxes. If there are 5 different types of patients (label), how can I set a different percentage of patients that goes to each box in function of the label?


labeldecidepatient flowdecide activity
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5 |100000

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1 Answer

Sebastián Cañas avatar image
Sebastián Cañas answered Sebastián Cañas commented

@Ayman ,

It depends if you're setting a label from the beginning or you just want to set the percentage directly in the Decide activity. However, this is easily done using the picklist options of that activity.


I would suggest you to walk throught the FlexSim HC tutorial, focusing on this task, where you could learn how to create a conditional flow.


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5 |100000

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