
David Chan avatar image
David Chan asked David Chan commented

Move the Page tab to side

Hi I have this suggestion to dev list.

When there are many pages opened, the tab reduces its size to fit the page.


Wonder if the tab can be moved to side (with option in the setting) with the word shows in vertical, so that the name of page still be possibly read.


FlexSim 24.1.0
page tab
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·
Could you show how that would look? How would it be different when the size of the tabs exceeds the height of the view ? (currently it's the width of the view)
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David Chan avatar image David Chan Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·

@Jason Lightfoot This is my suggestion.



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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ David Chan commented ·

Thanks - that would only be better while your views are taller than they are wide and then only until the same lack of space issue presents itself at which point the text would need to be hidden again to squash the tabs.

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered David Chan commented

@David Chan, as I remember, if your mouse pointer stays a bit longer over a tab, a hint pops up to show the name.
You can dock several windows in rows and you can shrink each docked section, until you see only the tabs. There are some window types that allowed only on top, on bottom or a side.

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David Chan avatar image David Chan commented ·
@Joerg Vogel Thanks for your information. I hope I can go to the page immediately instead of trying out page by page. The drop down next to the "X" is an alternative to my suggestion. But, I can go to the page much easily if I can see the full name of the page on the tab. If the tab can also move to the side, then there are more space to display the name.

Since this is a wish list. I just hope to have it.


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