
Iago Montes avatar image
Iago Montes asked Matthew Gillespie commented

[AGV Network] Check if allocation point of transfer cluster is at CP


I was trying to check if an allocation point of a transfer cluster is at a CP because I want to create a logic to change stopAtDist, traversalDist, arrivalDist info with the event On AGV Build Travel Path (I still don't know if this works for transfer clusters like it works for Allocatable Objects).

Now, the problem I have is that if its not at a CP, i'm getting an exception using getsdtvalue:


exception: FlexScript exception: <no path> c: <no path> i: <no path>

I just want to get that NULL value, 0 or any value to identify this. How can I avoid the System Console exception? I've tried with objectexists(getsdtvalue(...)) but its not working.

Thanks in advance!


FlexSim 24.0.4
agvnetworkexit transferallocation pointsimpledatatype
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Matthew Gillespie avatar image Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ commented ·
@Iago Montes @Jason Lightfoot This issue is fixed in the latest bug fix releases: 24.0.5 and 24.2.1.
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot commented

We've noted that there's an issue trying to get this value when NULL.

In the meantime you could scan the trees to see if a path point is co-located with a control point. Attached is a user command that should do that (just load the user library to auto-install it to your model). To use it just call getCPPoint(pathpoint).


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Iago Montes avatar image Iago Montes commented ·

Thanks Jason! It's working fine

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ Iago Montes commented ·

Good to hear. The issue should be fixed in the next release.

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