
Stain avatar image
Stain asked Ben Wilson commented

Script does not make gcloud call!!!!

Hello everyone!

I would like to find out if my code has something written wrong. It should make a call to gcloud using the http.request method, but when I see the function's log, there is no sign of it.

Maybe I forgot some params? Let me know, thanks in advance!

/**Custom Code*/
Object current = ownerobject(c);
Object item = param(1);
int rownumber = param(2); //row number of the schedule/sequence table

string sourceFile = modeldir() + "Data.csv";

importtable(destinationTable, sourceFile, 0);

//string token = destinationTable[0][1];
Table destinationTable = Table("MyGlobalTable");
string token = "123";

Http.Request request; = "host";
request.method = Http.Method.Get;
// = "query=select * from Product";
request.useSSL = 1;
request.headers = "Content-Type: application/json\r\n ";
//request.method = Http.Method.Post;
Http.Response response = request.sendAndWait();
//Table destinationTable = Table("MyGlobalTable");
destinationTable [1][1] = response.value;
FlexSim 24.1.1
using codecloudhttp request
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Ben Wilson avatar image Ben Wilson ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @Stain, does the code above represent your actual code, or is it obfuscated?

For instance, you are setting"host", but it actually needs to be set to the web address of the endpoint you are trying to communicate with, like "".

Also, it is highly likely that connecting to a cloud service will require some form of authentication that may be difficult (but probably not impossible) to achieve using raw HTTP requests and responses. Have you taken that into account?

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