
TiredStudent avatar image
TiredStudent asked Felix Möhlmann answered

How to make my ASRS only start pulling ........?

MainV9.fsmHow to make my ASRS only start pulling the filled tote box to the separator after it has been placed from the combiner onto the rack?

May I please seek guidance on what is the best way to do it as I have tried tinkering with the properties and when I tried process flow I feel lost on where to start and carry on

FlexSim 24.2.0
asrsorder pickingstock pick
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

You need to set where totes are supposed to be send. Empty (no subnodes) to the combiner (port 1) and filled ones to the separator (port 2).


Also there needs to be space in the rack for the filled totes to return, so the source should only produce as many totes as the rack can take.

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