
Dela avatar image
Dela asked Jason Lightfoot commented

How to get FlexTerm simulation software?


I know that I need to access FlexTerm through its website. However, I have requested the demo for the simulation platform several times over the past month. I need it for my project asap. Could anyone help me purchase and obtain the FlexTerm simulation software, please?

FlexSim 24.2.0
flexterm simulation software
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·

@Dela has anyone from Moffat & Nichol come back to you about FlexTerm?

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Dela avatar image Dela Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·

Dear @Jason Lightfoot please let me tell you the no-result process:

July 25: I sent an email to the FlexTerm sales team about the times I "submitted the form but received no response".

July 26: I received an email from Nicole. He mentioned that the contact form on FlexTerm website wasn't reconnected to the team. He requested some information before sending me the demo software. On the same day, I replied and sent the information.

July 30: I followed up on the process and mentioned again that it is so important for me as it is part of my project and I have a deadline. On the same day, Nicole told me that: "Our leadership is reviewing your request. I will keep you posted."

Just this, the process is too slow. Hope to get a response by the end of this week.

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ Dela commented ·

Thank you for the update.

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