
Josué Islas avatar image
Josué Islas asked Josué Islas commented

Combine a Gravity Flow rack and a Standard rack in a single structure

Nice day!, Is it possible to combine a Gravity Flow rack and a Standard rack in a single structure as shown in the picture? If so, how?

FlexSim 24.1.0
rackgravity flowrackstandarrack
1723815915579.png (202.6 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Josué Islas commented

Just overlay the two racks and set the bay, aisle and other parameters to match.You could place both in a container/plane if you wish to copy/paste them as one or simplify an autobuild script.

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Josué Islas avatar image Josué Islas commented ·

@Jason Lightfoot thank you so much!


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