
masashi01 avatar image
masashi01 asked masashi01 answered

Pallet stacking does not work well.


I have a question about the pallet stacking behavior.

I have a model file created in FlexSim23 and opened in FlexSim24,

When I change the pallet contents to pallet stacking

The palletized pallet content looks like the image below.

Could you help me with this issue, please?

Thank you!

FlexSim 24.0.4
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

The shape factors of the pallet object have changed between versions and the pallet stacking code assumes the new ones.

You can just replace the pallet in the flow item bin with a copy from a fresh model in version 24 to make it work correctly. You might have to set the stacking logic again after replacing the old node.


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masashi01 avatar image
masashi01 answered

Thank you for your response.

The node was rewritten and successfully palletized.

Thank you very much.

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