
Eusebio avatar image
Eusebio asked Mauricio Aranda answered

Coordinate the operators

How can I coordinate the operators?

One operator has to go at a time.

This can be easily achieved by using "Round Robin" or "Round Robin If Available" when an object is removed from the Queue... The problem is that it doesn't work when a batch is removed from the Queue.

Can someone help me with this problem?

Thank you in advance.

I attach the current model.


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1 Answer

Mauricio Aranda avatar image
Mauricio Aranda answered

Hello, Eusebio.

Are you looking for an operator to carry all the 50 pieces of one batch?
In that case I would recomend it to change this specific logic to Process-Flow, which give us the agility to simulate it without that much internal logic change.
If I understood you differently, could you please explain it once again?

Best regards!

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