
Claire Krupp avatar image
Claire Krupp asked Joerg Vogel answered

How to change the font in a Global Table?

When I am presenting a model to a client the Global Table font is very small and hard to read. I have tried changing various fonts in the Global Preferences but none of them apply to Global Tables.

There is nothing in the table's properties window and I can't find anything in the tree for each table.

How would I do it? If not possible, please add this to the wish-list.


FlexSim 24.2.1
global tablefonts
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

@Claire Krupp, some of view elements are a result of html like codes. My search keyword is for this kind "style". @Matt Long published an article to customize a table view: Alternatively you can create a table inside of a dashboard. Then you have actual access to html code to adjust your style. A standard Table won't provide enough to achieve what you want, but a Model Dokumentation is a tool to build a content by html code.

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Claire Krupp avatar image Claire Krupp Joerg Vogel commented ·
Thanks @Joerg Vogel . That looks like a lot of work which would take me a long time with my level of expertise. I really just need a way to zoom in to the table with a button or the mouse scroll wheel, just like we can for Process Flow.
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Claire Krupp avatar image Claire Krupp commented ·

I see that @Sebastian Hemmann already raised a zoom option as an idea in 2021:

Allow zoom in tree and global tables - FlexSim Community

That's exactly what I need!

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

There is not much you can do inside of FlexSim. You can activate the "Screen Magnifier" or "Magnifier" a windows tool to scale your whole desktop windows.

I am restricted of using an old LTSC Windows 10, but there seems to be answers in the internet that you have multiple virtual desktops of different resolutions. Or there is a fast switch tool to change resolutions in screen settings. Alternatively you can use a tool that emulates recorded steps of mouse actions by a script to change instantly resolution settings of windows.

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