
LaurenK avatar image
LaurenK asked Sam Stubbs commented

Limit Cartons in Rack, put on conveyor when "full"

Hi Team,

Currently, my model shows totes coming down the conveyor, then the operator will take the cartons from within the totes and place them accordingly on the rack inside totes. Is there a way to put a limit on the number of cartons in the rack?

I'd like to get the operator to take the tote from the rack once there are 15 cartons inside and place the tote (completed order) back on a conveyor to take it to the sink. In reality it will be processed in another section of the warehouse so the sink will signify the end of the simulation. Once the completed order is taken from the rack, I'll need the operator to grab an empty tote and replace the location so orders can continue to be placed in the rack.

Is this possible? Let me know if any clarification is necessary. I can also attach my model.


FlexSim 24.1.0
rackcompleted order
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered Sam Stubbs commented

It seems like this would be an issue that would best be resolved using some kind of list logic. Have an order fulfillment token / process flow looking to "pull" orders that have 15 items, and then push that complete tote onto another list, so that your operators can "pull" the completed tote and send it downstream. Would something like that work for your situation?

· 2
5 |100000

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LaurenK avatar image LaurenK commented ·

Hi Sam,

right now, I do have a pull and push list set up - should I add to them or are you thinking I'll need another subflow?

Model attached for reference! CB Model A.fsm

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cb-model-a.fsm (221.1 KiB)
Sam Stubbs avatar image Sam Stubbs ♦ LaurenK commented ·
I don't know if this is feasible, but rather than creating the totes in a custom code, create them via process flow tokens, then each of those tote tokens would be pulling 15 items: On the other side you also have a list that represents all the items that are being placed in the totes, and it would be partitions by totes, so that the tote token is pulling from this list based on that tote partition. Once 15 items are pulled, you push the "full tote" to another list, and you can have operators looking to pull full totes to then move them to the next process.

Does that make sense?

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