
hikel avatar image
hikel asked hikel commented

How to do consolidation of parts Racks ?

How to do a consolidation for example from Rack 1 to Rack T100 and T200 take the pallet from rack 1 with 10 boxes and unload (boxes) each one in same label PartNumber pallet which contain only 30 items and we know that the maximum is 40 from global table 1 for each partnumber models-1.fsm


FlexSim 23.2.2
processs flowracksconsolidation
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Logan Gold avatar image Logan Gold ♦♦ commented ·

We're having a hard time figuring out what you're trying to do. When a pallet with items enters Rack1, are you wanting each of those items to be placed in a different pallet on either T1_100 or T1_200? If so, how do you want to determine which new pallet to send an item to? Is it just a random pallet that has a matching PartNumber label?

Also, it looks like these new pallets have a QtyPerPallet label that is set to 30, so is the maximum number of items that are allowed on one of these new pallets? If so, what does the 40 represent in GlobalTable1, in the column MaxperPallet?

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hikel avatar image hikel Logan Gold ♦♦ commented ·

Hy @Logan Gold yes i want to take pallet of 10 Qty for each part A,B in Rack 1 to T100 and T200.... and place them in a random pallet as the pallets in T100 are 30 for each Part. and we know from Global table 1 that maximum for each Qty part in pallets is 40 they need to add 10 to 30 for each label A, B, C.....

Max per pallet in Global table 1 is 40 the other one in the initial inventory just set it as example so i would know how many in each pallets.

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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered hikel commented

Hello @hikel,

You can search for the existing matching pallets that have space with the following query

WHERE PartNumber == $1.PartNumber AND Qty < 40 AND != "Rack1"  ORDER BY RAND() ASC


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hikel avatar image hikel commented ·
Hello @Jeanette F ,

is there anyway to make it general in query to look up based on globaltable as I have 5k parts each one got different Qty per pallet and got many racks...

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Jeanette F avatar image Jeanette F ♦♦ hikel commented ·

Hello @hikel,

You can add in that the Max content is found in the Global table and set as a label on the token. This label can be used in the query.
The model I shared also assumes that the incoming pallets will have the correct quantity to max out the existing pallets. Is this correct or should there be a way to split the incoming pallets?


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hikel avatar image hikel Jeanette F ♦♦ commented ·

Hello @Jeanette F,

Thank you for your response. I update the model to include the part where i have full pallet to just put in empty location. Do you think this process is optimized to use it like this? and I was wondering if I want destroy just the pallet and keep the box instead of having two pallets and boxes. Thank youmodels-1-2 (1).fsm

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