When I run my model for a while, usually after the inute 400 it throws me the following error:
time: 239.727797 exception: FlexScript exception: MODEL:/Tools/StorageSystem>variables/itemQueries/2/flexScriptCallbacks/1/codeNode
time: 239.727797 exception: SQL Evaluation Exception: FlexScript exception thrown in evaluation of code. Code is: param(1).as(Storage.Slot.Item).slot.area. Forwarding throw.
time: 239.727797 exception: SqlQuery - FlexScript Exception in: WHERE Tipo == $1.TipoProducto AND item.slot.area == 2.
I have tried bypassing the error if the reference didn´t exist whith a decide and a max wait timer in one find, but I don´t realli know what is causing the problem.