
ymak avatar image
ymak asked ymak commented

FlexSim In-Depth Tutorial - Link Not Working

Hi. I have started the official "FlexSim In-Depth Tutorial" course, but am having trouble accessing the material.

Course link:

Slide deck link: (this link does not work)

Besides the slide deck, I would like to access the example files referred to in this course. Can somebody from FlexSim please fix the broken link and share the example files?

FlexSim 24.2.0
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1 Answer

Markus Cueva avatar image
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Markus Cueva answered ymak commented

Hi @ymak. Unfortunately, we are no longer able to provide the slide deck for the course in this video series. I've removed the links from the video description.

As for the course model files, I'll defer to @Regan Blackett who manages the FlexSim training materials.

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