
Rocio A avatar image
Rocio A asked Rocio A commented

Array of operators to make a Task Sequence


I'm doing a FlexSim demo and I wanted to go a little further.

Using a parameter I modified the number of Pickers that I have in the model, so that I can increase or decrease it.


In the case that I put 6 pickers I want the first StagningArea to be used by 2 operators and the rest by 1. I have achieved this in the custom code that I indicate in the image.

The problem I have is because those operators appear as Array in the token and when I use a TS to perform the displacement, loading and unloading tasks, it only uses 1 of the operators, leaving the other idle.

Could you help me so that each operator of that Array takes a different box that is in the same order order and takes it to the pallet in StagningArea1?

Thank you very much in advance.


FlexSim 24.1.1
process flowoperatortask sequencearrayrun subflow
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

I would run the subflow per picker rather than per item. Each subflow token first checks if there are any items left in the array. If so, they remove the first item from the array and move it to the staging area then loop back to the start.


The Release activity for the pickers must be set to "Release All", otherwise a token that acquired two pickers would only release one.

And after that activity a "Breathe" activity is needed. Otherwise the pickers' state won't have changed back to idle by the time you logic next determines how many to acquire. This results in a 0 getting returned and breaking the logic because no pickers are acquired.

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Rocio A avatar image
Rocio A answered Rocio A commented

Hello @Felix Möhlmann ,

Thank you very much for the information. It is very useful for me.

But I have a question: why in the Run sub Flow "Recoger las Cajas" in Quantity "token.parent.Picker.length" do we have to put parent?


Thank you very much in advance

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It's not actually necessary to use "parent" there. I was troubleshooting the model and tried different things before finding out that the missing "Breathe" was the issue. I then just forgot to reset the expression.
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Rocio A avatar image Rocio A Felix Möhlmann commented ·

Thank you very much.

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