
Mike avatar image
Mike asked Mike commented

Avoid AGV bumping into each other


How can I make AGV not travelling into each other?

AGV Collision Traffic Control1.fsm

FlexSim 24.2.0
avoid agv bumping into each other
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Mike commented

Place the control points farther apart or assign an accumulation type to the paths.

· 1
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Mike avatar image Mike commented ·

Great. Thanks.

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Mike avatar image
Mike answered Mike commented

Hello, Thanks for the above answer. Could you please also help me how to set up collision control at the junction in the model below? Thanks.

AGV Collision Traffic Control1.fsm

· 2
5 |100000

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You can add a control area to limit the intersection to one AGV at a time. You then might also want to add some additional control points to allow the AGVs to wait closer to the intersection.


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Mike avatar image Mike Felix Möhlmann commented ·
Great! Thanks.
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