
Linus avatar image
Linus asked Joerg Vogel commented

How to add global table into Separator for splitting


I want to add this globaltable1 into my separator for splitting. From the source, it only outputs 1 box. The separator should take a value in the quantity row (at random) each time and use that quantity for splitting. (example if it took 50 from the globaltable, there should be 50 boxes that is to be split) Then it should split by percentage (also at random based on Port1 and Port2 columns, but need to take same row because it should add up to 100%)

I have tried many ways but unable to do it. Please help.




FlexSim 24.2.0
global tableseparator
· 1
5 |100000

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A separator creates items one by one when they leave this object. It is not a mechanism like finishing processing and instantly there are all new items in your object subtree. You need to provide your randomly chosen data for a period of time for example in a label at your object. This label value is read to get access to global cell values in split value in your separator properties and in Send to Port function. You choose for example in Send to Port a Template and edit provided fields to achieve your wanted result.

If you want it easier, than please take a look into a tool called empirical distribution. You may get access to yourself created distribution by a name string from a global table cell and and find method of Flexscript API class reference for treenode class.

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