
Sam avatar image
Sam asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Token label and object label

MathchingTokenLabelWithModelLabel-01.fsmIs there a way take ProcessFlow create object labels matching the token label and can be used later by 3D model? also if there is a way to it in the other way around?

FlexSim 24.0.0
token labelmake flexsim 3d and 2d model
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

Assigning labels to tokens or items in the Create Objects or Assign Labels activity is always done one by one. There is currently no function to copy over all existing labels at once.


What you could do is to not copy the labels but instead write a reference to the token to the item. This would allow you to reference the token and thus the labels on it through the item. Effectively having the item use the labels on the token.


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