
lovestudy avatar image
lovestudy asked Joerg Vogel commented

cranre collsion

Hello, friend. There is a problem troubling me. During the collision process of the overhead crane, the proximity radius is the proximity radius centered on the overhead crane hook. I want to obtain the x-axis position of the overhead crane arm. How should I obtain it? I want to set the collision radius based on the distance between the two crane arms when the crane is approaching for inspection.天车.png

FlexSim 23.2.0
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·
@lovestudy, and as I shown it in my previous two replies you can find there a possible solution for it. I placed fixed resources into drawsurrogate objects of cranes and applied them to agent system members. Drawsurrogate objects can not be assigned for this purpose, but other inserted fixed objects can be.
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