
aloncini avatar image
aloncini asked Jonah K commented

Grid issues in version 25.0.1

Hi, I noticed an issue with the A* Navigation Grid on the latest version 25.0.1.
I have done the following steps:

  • dragged a Grid into the model
  • dragged a TaskExecuter into the grid
  • tried to select, move or resize the grid
  • tried to A-connect or S-connect the TaskExecuter to the grid

All the operations made on the grid gave no result (visible in the attached video), despite they worked correctly in the previous version 25.0.0.
Thanks in advance.


FlexSim 25.0.1
a star navigationgrid
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered

In 25.0.1, two variables on the Grid were fixed to bind their values properly, including the "noSelect" variable.

New grid objects are unselectable in 25.0.1 because their "noSelect" variable wasn't set to 0 by default. We will fix that for the next bugfix release.

To work around the bug, you can check and uncheck the Lock button on the Floors panel in Quick Properties to toggle that variable back to 0.


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