
Shinya O avatar image
Shinya O asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Load and unload two items with ASRS vehicle


I would like to load and unload two items from a rack using an ASRS vehicle.

After loading the first item, can I make the lift go to load the second item without returning to directly above the rail?

Then, with both items still on the lift, can I move to the queue, unload the first item, and then unload the second item without the lift returning to directly above the rail?

I tried moving the lift by specifying coordinates using "Travel To Location" in the ProcessFlow, but when I repeated "Travel To Location" twice, the lift returned to directly above the rail between the first and second movements.

Thanks in advance.


FlexSim 24.0.7
asrsasrs vehicleasrsvehicle
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

The best you can do is load the first item and then move the second item into the ASRS along with it via trigger or Process Flow (possibly with a load time so the slide stays extended for some time to account for the "movement" to the second item). But the ASRS is hardcoded to retract the slide after each travel task.

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