
Claire Krupp avatar image
Claire Krupp asked Jacob W2 commented

Utilization by Hour chart bug showing negative utilization

I am trying out the new Utilization by Hour chart. It worked very well for the first few days, but then the chart shows a negative value:


Here is the SC table:


The model is confidential, but I can send it to a FS email address.


FlexSim 25.0.0
utilization by hour
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

The Statistics Collector simply does not seem to be designed with a warmup time in mind. At every hour it calculates the total utilized and excluded time for each object and compares those to the values from the previous hour to get the utilization. After the warmup time the stats of the object will be reset but the stored value stays the same. The difference between the previous and new value is thus wrong and might well end being negative.

This can be fixed by installing the chart components and adding an event to the collector that fires just before the warmup time. Using the "Row Value(s)" code the cached values get updated to what they need to be for a smooth transition.


I'm not sure what exactly you mean by "zero out". But with the collector accessible you can set it to delete all finished rows upon warmup.


5 |100000

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