
MatteoMano avatar image
MatteoMano asked MatteoMano commented

Initial Inventory without paint slot label

Hi guys !! I'm new in flexsim and I have a question. I found a Demo model of a warehouse and I've tried to modify it with the spects that I need. In particular, I try to make a Initial Inventory but It doesnt work like in the demo model. Another thing that I would like to do is to use something different than the paint slot label to assign the slot because in my model there are many rucks and slots. Thanks

case WAREHOUSE.fsm

FlexSim 24.2.3
warehousinginitial inventory
case-warehouse.fsm (327.3 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered MatteoMano commented

Apart from the model missing the tables required for the pick logic to work, there are two issues with the assignment of items to slots.

The address column in the global table contains numbers, but "getSlot()" requires a string as parameter. Either change the format of the table column or use "string.fromNum()" to convert the value on the fly when using it to search for the slot.

Apparently "getSlot()" does not work when a negative stride is used in the addressing scheme. I'm afraid you will need to adjust the respective racks.

As Jörg suggests, you could use a table that contains the SKU data for each slot to do the assignment in Process Flow or a custom code snippet.

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