
Rocio A avatar image
Rocio A asked Jeanette F commented

Simulate a production break


I have a model in which there are 4 queues. In 3 of them 2 totes fit but as shown by the flow process, only 1 tote is consumed at a time.



I need the tote to stop being consumed at a certain time and then continue to consume where it stopped. That is, it is as if it were a machine that is being manufactured and the operator's rest time arrives. In this case, the process is stopped and when the operator returns from the break, he resumes the production of that product where he stopped before the break.

I was thinking about a Time Table, but since it is not a processor I cannot stop the time consumption and it does not let me enter the process flow in the members of the Time Table.

Therefore I do not know how to represent this stop in consumption time.

Could you help me?

Thanks in advance.

I attach the model.


FlexSim 24.1.1
process flowzonetime tabledelay
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1 Answer

Nil Ns avatar image
Nil Ns answered


In the attached model, you've implemented a solution using the "release Token" method to remove the token from the delay as required. While this approach works in your current setup, please be aware that it could lead to errors if, for example, no token meets the specified conditions after the Get Token action. It would be a good idea to include a check right after the Get Token to verify that a token was indeed retrieved.

If you'd rather not use the Get Token approach, you might consider finding the token by other means, such as utilizing parent-child relationships or similar methods.

Just keep in mind that these logics can sometimes introduce complications later on, particularly with edge cases. For instance, if the operator is due for a break but isn’t in the delay because they’re en route, the current code could fail, so all these exceptions should be taken into account.


Hope this helps!

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