Hi, I'm working on a fuel terminal simulation using the FloWorks module. My goal is to simulate the transfer of fluid from a flowtruck to a road tanker that arrives on a schedule.
Current Setup:
- The flowtruck's tank level decreases as it refills the road tanker.
- Once the road tanker is full, the flowtruck should return to the bay to refill itself from the storage tank.
- When a new road tanker arrives, the process should loop back and dispatch the first available flowtruck.
Problem Encountered:
- The process flow does not loop back to dispatch the first available flowtruck when a new road tanker arrives.
- I currently use a delay to simulate the refueling time, but the flowtruck should only stop when the road tanker's tank is full.
- the flowtruck did not refill itself at the bay
i already tried to use floworks process flow into my simulation, but it didnt work.
How can I properly control the refueling process and ensure the loop restarts with the first available flowtruck?
attached here is my simulation file.