
gio-c avatar image
gio-c asked gio-c answered

How to add tasks delayed of some time


I have a global table containing all orders with an arrival time associated. I want the operators to perform the tasks contained in the ordx global tables only if the actual time of the simulation is >= than the arrival time. For example now i have operator 2 that must execute ord2 and ord5, once he has finished ord2, he waits 60 sec which is the arrival time of ord 5 and that executes it, but the global timer is well above 60. How can i solve this problem.

Thanks in advance!QUESTION_autosave.fsmorders-table.png

FlexSim 25.0.2
orders-table.png (10.3 KiB)
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

Since the task sequences contains randomized delay times, you can't create and dispatch them all at the model start. I'd use a small Process Flow and create one token per row. That token then waits until the task should start and only then creates and dispatches the task sequence.


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gio-c avatar image
gio-c answered

Thank you very much it helped me. Sorry for the late answer

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