
dan ruffatto avatar image
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dan ruffatto asked Ben Wilson rolled back

customize rack for stowing

What would be the best way to control the Availability of each cell (bay/level) in a rack? For example I have a 10 X 10 rack (100 cells) bay-1level-1 thru 9 are full, I want my transporter to stow item on the tenth level then move on to bay two and check for availability etc..

FlexSim 16.0.1
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered Ben Wilson rolled back

I believe the attached example is doing what you asked for.

Everything is defaults, save a few changes on the Rack's Properties, Rack tab. There I set the maximum content to 100 (1 item per cell), and changed the Place In Bay and Place in Level options to First Available, with a maximum items per cell of 1.

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