
Amr Eltawil avatar image
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Amr Eltawil asked Ben Wilson commented

placement problem when dragging objects from library into model

When I drag any of the library components into my model, it is dropped to a very far place in the background grid, so I have to search for it throughout the whole model space in order to move it to its proper location.

Is there anything that I could do to get rid of this problem? I'm using FlexSim CT 3.0.2.

Other (please specify)
libraryobject creationgridflexsim ctobject position
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
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Ben Wilson answered Ben Wilson edited

This sounds like a graphics issue. This post helps to explain some common graphics problems and possible solutions. Once we get more information, we may be able to offer better suggestions for what to try next, and we'll update this answer accordingly.

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