
chao.g avatar image
chao.g asked Adrian Haws answered

Model Structure

This is a high level model question, if we have different engineers work on simulation model of different production lines, and later we want to combine this with the high level factory model, what's the recommended approach on this?

I read somewhere about save model as XML file, not sure if and how this may apply to my problem.

I also came across that plane can act as a place holder for sub-models, so that way in the factory level model, it will be just place holder for different lines, later we can just copy paste individual line model into the place holder?

Please recommend, thanks!

FlexSim 16.1.1
model structure
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1 Answer

Adrian Haws avatar image
Adrian Haws answered

In this case an XML file wouldn't help. However, using a plane to keep the submodels organized is a good plan. See this post about importing one model into another.

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