
Trex avatar image
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Trex asked Herwina Richelle Andres commented

State of Combiner doesn't changes when it lies into the breakdown period

Hello Guys, In my simulation model, I have combiners and I have scheduled breakdown and breakdown through the time table and MTBF&MTTR option respectively.

The problem I am facing is that, when the run time reaches to the breakdown period. If combiner is in its waiting for operator state or idle state, it doesn't changes to breakdown state. This results into the incorrect state charts.

If anyone can help me, do comment sooner

FlexSim (other - please specify)
FlexSim (other)
combinermtbf mttrbreakdownstate chart
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Herwina Richelle Andres commented

I think the problem is to change an object state, on which has been already called a stopobject command. Such objects don't do anything at all. If the state should be changed the command must be executed on an object or function that is still in an active state and the stop ID must be different to both stop-commands to resume individually the object at the end of the stop times at MTTR or time table scheduled's down.

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