
Ruben Mariduena avatar image
Ruben Mariduena asked Ruben Mariduena commented

How can a write values to a Global Table?

Can I write values from custom created labels or statistic from objects onto a blank global tables that I have created for the values to go to? I will then export those GTs onto Excel with the excelexporttable() on the Excel Data interface. For example when you click on an object and you see its statistics you have the option to pin to a dashboard, this is pretty much what I would like to do but push to a specific row and column on a GT

FlexSim 16.2.0
global tablelabelsstatisticsexport dataexcel export
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Kari Payton avatar image Kari Payton commented ·

What specific statistics are you wanting to push to a GT?

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Ruben Mariduena avatar image Ruben Mariduena Kari Payton commented ·

The statistics I want to push are statistics from individual flowitems in the system. For example time each flowitem spent loaded in a TE until it was delivered, total time in system per flowitem (start and end times), time the flowitem was waiting for an available TE for transportation . Most of these values I have been able to obtain and show on a dashboard using zones (partitions) but I do not know how to take this statistic values from the zones (from partitions or just regular zone statistics) and write them to a global table

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1 Answer

Matt Long avatar image
Matt Long answered

There are a couple of different pick options in the object triggers, namely 'Write to GlobalTable' and 'Add Row and Data to GlobalTable'. If you're comfortable coding there are some global table commands you can use like:

settablenum(Table, Row, Column);
settablestr(Table, Row Column);
settablesize(Table, Rows, Columns);

Refer to the Command Helper or Commands documentation for more information about these commands as well as additional commands.

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