
Shreyasi Banerjee avatar image
Shreyasi Banerjee asked Sam Stubbs answered

Length of processor?

1. I am trying to show a process layout along a conveyor. Is there a direct / indirect way to add a length attribute to each processor

2. Is there a database of images to chose from for visual purposes? For example a sitting vs standing operator along a conveyor (for processor) replacing the default visual. When I try to browse for images, I don't see anything.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

3D Shapes at Flexsim program directory: fs3d

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Sam Stubbs avatar image
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Sam Stubbs answered

Jorg is correct that the 3D shapes directory is called fs3D. These are all the shapes that FlexSim uses by default, but if you need something specific to your needs, it's possible you'll need to import your own 3D shapes.

As for processors, if you are talking about the 3D shape's length, the processor (and any shape for that matter) can be resized along any axis. However, changing the model's 3D shape's length, will not affect the logic of the processor. If you want to lengthen the processing time, you'll have to change that within the processor's properties.

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