
dan ruffatto avatar image
dan ruffatto asked Phil BoBo edited

Has anyone tried to use a motion capture suit to create bone animations for Flexsim? can it be done? and if so how do i import the file into Flexsim?

FlexSim 16.2.1
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo edited

I'm not aware of anyone who has actually used a motion capture suit to create bone animations for FlexSim, but FlexSim reads animations from standard formats, so you could use whatever software and hardware tools you have to create animations in programs such as 3ds Max or Maya, and then export them to a file that FlexSim can read.

To import the file in FlexSim, you select it as you would any other custom 3d shape file:

The Animations and Components window has a button that enables you to specify animation clips from the animations saved in the file:

You can learn more in the User Manual (Modeling Tools > Animation Creator > Key Concepts > Creating Animation Clips) or the Bone Animation article.

select-3d-shape.png (40.3 KiB)
animation-clips.png (434.0 KiB)
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