
Patrick Cloutier avatar image
Patrick Cloutier asked Patrick Cloutier commented

How to record State Analysis Statistics every hour instead of globally


I have a system that runs 24 hrs/day for 47 straight days with a lift truck doing stuff.

The end result I need is a table with the hourly utilization of that lift truck for every hour of the day. So I will have a table of 24 lines (one for each hour) and 8 columns (one for each state). Each hourly stat will be the average of 47 days.

Here's what I'm thinking:

  1. Create a global table with 8 columns and 24 x 47 = 1128 lines
  2. User event that repeats every hour which writes the collected state stats into the corresponding table line using getstat
  3. The user event then resetstats
  4. When the 47-day simulation run is done I export that table to Excel and calculate the averages I need.

Any simpler way that you can think of?

I'm afraid this will slow my simulation considerably.

Thanks a lot,

FlexSim 16.2.2
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1 Answer

Patrick Cloutier avatar image
Patrick Cloutier answered Patrick Cloutier commented

Case closed. I did what I had in mind and it works perfectly and doesn't slow down the simulation.

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