
Daniel Blancett avatar image
Daniel Blancett asked Arun Kr answered

Need help creating 6 trailers pulled by tugger ...

1st tugger has a longer tow bar then the other remaining 6. I need to dock up against transfer system that rolls 6 pallets off and onto each dolly at same time

FlexSim 16.2.2
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Arun Kr avatar image
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Arun Kr answered

Hi Daniel,

Here is a useful link.AGV Tugger


Arun KR

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Daniel Blancett commented

You can insert the tow bar as a loaded item, too. then your train consists of the taskexecuter and 7 pulled items. The loading is done by an moveobject task. The container objects are the pallets and not the taskexecuter anymore. You can use in the 3D model the OnLoad Trigger of the taskexecuter to move the items to the dollies, too.

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