
Arun Kr avatar image
Arun Kr asked Sam Stubbs answered

User Manual Opening Error

Hi Support,

I am getting this attached error while opening the user manual.


Arun KR

FlexSim 17.0.0
error display
error-msg.png (65.3 KiB)
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
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Sam Stubbs answered

This error has come up before. I searched through some previous support cases. This was the answer that was provided to the user at that time.

"This error happens when FlexSim doesn't have access to write data to its own ProgramData folder. Permissions in that directory are entirely managed by Windows and any IT configuration you may have. Perhaps at some point your IT group changed OS or domain level permissions such that FlexSim could no longer have write permission in its own ProgramData folder. It is not something that we, or the software, have control over. We suspect your domain multi-user group policy settings are doing it; not FlexSim. We suspect your domain multi-user group policy settings are doing it; not FlexSim."

Perhaps @Ben knows what more can be done to resolve the issue. It would probably involve us working with your IT (or whomever has permissions to those directories) in order to restore the proper permissions.

In the meantime however, all of the most recent Manuals (7.7 and 2016) are here on the Answers forum. You can look up the information you need here.

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