
Clair A avatar image
Clair A asked Clair A commented

Long-term stability

FlexSim 2016 introduced long-term stability:

"a long-term release will continue to receive bug fixes introduced in subsequent updates without the new features" (

When 17.0 has been released, why did 16.x releases not receive the bug fixes introduced in 17.0 ?

FlexSim 17.0.0
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Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered Clair A commented

16.0.7 was released on 2016-11-08. 17.0.0 was released 2016-12-12 and includes any bug fixes in 16.0.7.

In other words: the long-term release (16.0) received bug fixes (16.0.7) in subsequent update (17.0) without the new features (improved FlexScript, Improved OpenGL, Snap to Background, etc). The bug fixes in 17.0 were released in FlexSim version 16.0.7.

We haven't released a 16.0.8 yet that includes any fixes we've made on the LTS branch between 2016-11-08 and now.

Is that your question? : "Why haven't you released 16.0.8 yet?"

The answer to that is that we haven't found and fixed very many bugs on the LTS branch since 2016-11-08, and the bugs that we have found and fixed are minor.

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Ralf Gruber avatar image
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Ralf Gruber answered Phil BoBo commented


you did not finish to read: "And when FlexSim 2017 comes out next year, a new long-term release will be available with all the great features that appeared in the various updates to FlexSim 2016." (same source). Now 2017 is the LTS release and will get bug fixes with each future update V2017 Update 1, Update 2...does that make sense? Hope I explained that correctly @phil.bobo?


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