
Kari Payton avatar image
Kari Payton asked Jacob Gillespie commented

Priority when aquiring resource.

Is there a way to set the priority for acquiring a resource within a time range. I have a crane that is used in three different settings. The priority is A then B then C. So if the crane is needed by C but within 10-15 minutes A will need it, A moves ahead to get the crane next.

Or is there a way to set the priority for acquiring a resource in general?

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Jacob Gillespie avatar image
Jacob Gillespie answered Jacob Gillespie commented

You can use a Queue Strategy to order the Acquire requests by token Type.

Under the Resource's menu:

Or do you you want A to preempt B or C when it needs the resource even though they have Aquired it? That's harder to do.

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Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered Kari Payton commented

In process flow you can achieve this by using several Acquire activities. You can have the first acquire activity have a query, querying for the A crane. Then check the "Use Max Wait Timer" and set it to 0, ON a failure (unable to acquire crane A) it reroutes to another acquire activity, and does the same thing trying to get crane B. And so on for as many resources you want to prioritize.

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