
Brad Champeau avatar image
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Brad Champeau asked Sam Stubbs answered

Why do I get an error when adding a Visual Tool?

This error comes up when going through the "Model 2 Extra Mile" Tutorial. Here's the error text: lexscript ErrorMODEL:/Text>variables/textcode Line 5syntax error, unexpected identifier, expecting ';' Could not finish parsing because of previous errors.

FlexSim 17.0.0
tutorial error
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
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Sam Stubbs answered

Instead of writing "Average Conveyor Queue Staytime: " in quotes like it says in the tutorial, leave the quote marks off. (ie: Average Conveyor Queue Staytime: ) Apparently FlexSim adds the quotes inside the script by itself. I'm guessing your model was throwing errors because of this. Looks like this tutorial needs to be updated. Thanks for helping us find this.

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