
Rubén Ríos avatar image
Rubén Ríos asked Steven Hamoen answered

How to reference different items in a task sequence?

I am doing a tasksecuence in a queue, the idea is that: one of the the six operator first take a tote from the queue and transport it to a combiner, and next travel to another queue, take a box and transport it to the combiner so it will pack the box in the tote. There are five queue of boxes and each queue have a different itemtype, so the problem is that the operator transport the tote to the combiner and when he is going to a box queue he doesn't take the box and returns to the combiner without any object and comes back for another tote, so the boxes never arrive the combiner. I think is a problem about the TASKTYPE_LOAD, because I can't reference the boxes as different items and it ever goes for the first item (item 1, the tote). How can I reference a different item in the TASKTYPE_LOAD so the operator first load a tote to the combiner and after takes a box1,box,2, box3,box4,box5 to the combiner?

FlexSim 16.2.2
combinertask sequenceitemtypereferencing
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

The problem is the approach. Not a taskexecuter is the initiating resource of the material flow. The fixed resources like processors, queues or combiners are the objects that organize the flow. If your material flow does what you want, then you activate the transport support by the taskexecuters like operators. After that you set or you control the management of the transport tasksequences. Please don't think a material flow behave as you expect the reality does. Flexsim works as the development has made the program. If you look into the manual or the tutorials, you start a model with a source, queue, processor and a sink. You don't start with an operator and then you aren't setting the rules of his behavior.

Direct answer: Push the tasksequences to lists. Query the lists for the order you like. Pull the tasksequences and dispatch them to the taskexecuter. Bind the taskexecuter to some extra work, if you want him to park or stay at a location. Release the taskexecuter if the support work is done.

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1 Answer

Steven Hamoen avatar image
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Steven Hamoen answered

@Rubén Ríos check out process flow. Especially these type of problems can be solved quite easily that way

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