
David Seo avatar image
David Seo asked Jeff Nordgren answered

About the error of using multiple Combiners and Separators...

I found the error when modeling the in-line of multi Combiners and Separators like attached captured and model file.

What I want to do is that the final finsihed flowitem in the end of line to be displayed is TWO TOTES on one pallette.

But the final Separator and Combiner can't display it in visual and process.

It looks like an error.

How can I do it?



FlexSim 17.0.0
using the combiners and separators at same time in sequential line.
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1 Answer

Jeff Nordgren avatar image
Jeff Nordgren answered


The main problem with your model is at the second combiner. You are connecting two output connections from the conveyor to the combiner. That means that the first tote to enter the combiner through port 1 is the container for the other seven totes that enter through port 2. So when those combined objects reach the separator, it will separate the first seven totes just fine but because the container object is also a combined object of four other flowitems, it wants to separate those 4 flowitems from the "container" tote as well.

What you need is a "temporary container" object to hold all 8 of the totes coming from the conveyor to the combiner. So that when they reach the separator, they can be separated properly. Attached is your model with the changes that I've made. I added a temporary container flowitem object to hold the 8 totes coming from the conveyor. Then in the separator, I just send this container object to a sink. This seems to now work as you describe that you want it to work. Take a look at the model and see if something like this would work for you.


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