
christian.n avatar image
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christian.n asked Ben Wilson commented

Can I use FlexScript to create a windows folder?

Hey all.

I am looking for a way to create a windows folder with FlexScript.

This would come in handy when using exporttable() to export various tables after a run. I would like to create a folder in modeldir(), named "Scenario X" where X is a global variable.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks. Christian

FlexSim 17.0.2
create folder
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Cameron Pluim avatar image
Cameron Pluim answered Braydn T commented

You can use this application command:

string foldername = concat(modeldir(), "MyNewFolder");
applicationcommand("createdirectory", foldername);
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christian.n avatar image christian.n commented ·

Thanks a lot guys. Just what I needed.

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Mischa Spelt avatar image
Mischa Spelt answered jing.c commented

You can "abuse" the runprogram() command for this:

runprogram( concat("cmd.exe /e mkdir \"", modeldir(), "Scenario X", "\"") );

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