
David Seo avatar image
David Seo asked jing.c answered

how to transfer two items at one time not using process flow

I want to transfer two items at one time NOT using process flow.

I remember to have used the custom tasksequence in the flow tab to transfer two items at one time simply. But it can't be done. What's the problem?

After process flow module, it has been changed?

I remembered the taskexecuter Max. Capacity to 2 and make two time loadtasks and two times unloadtask. Is it wrong? I also set the batch perform to 2.


I want to know it not using process flow.

FlexSim 17.0.1
how to transfer two items at one time not using process flow
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1 Answer

jing.c avatar image
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jing.c answered


You can certainly transfer two items at one time without ProcessFlow.

Your custom tasksequence can not work as you want is because the wrong reference of item. The code uses LOAD task twice for the same item, the operator can not load 2 different items, and the same as the UNLOAD task.

So you don't need to use the custom tasksequence code, just set "Max Transports in Transit" to 2 in EntryTransfer Properties which can help you to achieve your goal.


May it helps.

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