
Matthias Wanner avatar image
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Matthias Wanner asked Joerg Vogel commented

Pull strategy does not work for queues?

priority-model-revisited.fsmIn my simulation, I have two sources with different flowitems. On exit at the sources of the flowitems, the sources set a label called "priority" in the flowitem. After the flowitem is placed on the first queue the operator should take the flowitem with higher priority label. Because I used the pull strategy in the following queue. I used best "Pull Best Item" with a custom label, in this case: priority. Now when I run the simulation the operator does not always take the correct item. The longer the simulation runs, the more errors occur. But if I use a processor without a queue in front and implement the pull strategy directly in the processor, the operator works correclty. Can someone help me? I dont want the operator to wait at the processor to collect the next flowitem and I want to use queues. Thanks a lot.

FlexSim 17.0.2
operatorpull strategyqueues
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Jacob Gillespie avatar image
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Jacob Gillespie answered Matthias Wanner commented

The problem that you are running into is that Queue1 has a Maximum Content value of 1000. Each new item isn't being blocked but reserves its spot in the queue. You could get the functionality you are looking for by setting Maximum Content to 1 and then having Queue1 send its item to an intermediary queue that has a regular Maximum Content.


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Kari Payton avatar image
Kari Payton answered Matthias Wanner commented
@Matthias Wanner

If I understand what you are trying to do (use 3 queues instead of two) change the settings on queue 1 to be like the settings on processor 8. Flow Tab -> Input ->Pull Strategy -> Pull item with Maximum Custom Value -> item.priority

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