
AB_Kenana avatar image
AB_Kenana asked Sam Stubbs answered

use brakdown as a target

When there is a breakdown in the machine I want the operator to go to the maintenance room to bring the technical with him to the machine to repair it, and after the maintenance is done the technical return back to his chamber.

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use brakdown as a target
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Sam Stubbs avatar image
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Sam Stubbs answered

It sounds like what you're looking for is an MTBF/MTTR table. These tables are meant to signal breakdowns of objects, you can assign the functions you want to be carried out in the On Break Down and On Repair triggers. See this link for more information on this:

If you want to have specific tasks sent to an operator, you'll probably find that controlling the Operator's tasks with a Process Flow will give you more control. You can have your MTBF/MTTR table trigger an Event Triggered Source, or create tokens in a Process Flow using its On Break Down trigger. Then you can control how you want to acquire and use your operators from there.

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